After 14 weeks in lockdown, there is light at the end of the tunnel…. But I’m nervous about going back to the way things were.
I read this quote in Brooke McAlary’s book “Destination Simple” and it really resonated with me: "We are so caught up in trying to do everything, experience all the essential things, not miss out on anything important... We can't read all the good books, watch all the good films, go to all the best cities in the world, try all the best restaurants, meet all the great people... Life is better when we don't try to do everything. Learn to enjoy the slice of life you experience, and life turns out to be wonderful - Leo Babauta". I am definitely the person who wants to try everything and do everything, which is why my life before this pandemic was totally crazy busy.
In all 3 of our lockdowns, I often found myself chomping at the bit, desperate to be doing something, anything, other than staying home and doing more of the same every day. I think this is why I tried all the lockdown activities (and am in the process of trying sourdough bread baking 😂). But given time, I’ve relaxed into this way of life, and can honestly say that I am enjoying it.
I’m sure most, if not all, the kids activities will be back in full force once October 11th arrives. With that will bring the constant thinking about where they are, what they need, and what time I need to drive them around. I know they are older now and pretty independent, but their busy schedules still take up space in my brain.
After our lockdowns ease, I want to continue to take some time for myself each day. Just to read a few pages, have a quiet cup of tea, and listen to the birds. I will have to make it a priority to ensure it happens, but I want to, and that’s a start.
We also found a tick in my husband’s shoulder. Being the curious people we are, we looked at it under the microscope and then the kids proceeded to find dust around my house (not quite sure how it was so easily accessible 😂😂🤔) and investigate that, along with other random things.