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The other night, we had finished dinner and were sitting at the table listening to the kids mucking around as they always do when it’s chore time. My house is often totally silent for hours and hours each day, and then when the kids have to share a chore (such as clearing the table, unstacking and re-stacking the dishwasher, and then washing the pots and pans), suddenly my house becomes a zoo. They shout out their negotiations, bidding on the “best” bit of the job, and then play rough and tumble in an effort to get there first. Most of the time, I hold my breath, thinking we are going to end up in the emergency department, but luckily they tend to know their strength, and we usually only end up with some bruised prides and a few scratches. Anyhow, I digress.
My husband asked me if this is what I had imagined when I said I wanted to have kids all those years ago, and it made me think. No, this is certainly not what I had imagined at all. I must admit that when I was in my baby-obsessed period, I couldn’t think past the act of holding my own baby in my arms. I think I was too immature to look further ahead, and I’m glad. I suspect that I would not have had any babies if I had given it more thought - the idea of sharing my space with these cocky young people who are now bigger than me and have their own opinions, would have probably put me off altogether. Knowing that I now have a young man about to start year 12 absolutely floors me.
That conversation has made me reflect on my life and the choices I have made. I’ve made lots of mistakes, but I’ve also done a lot of things right. Even if this is not what I had envisaged, I love my life as it is, with its noise and stress, and the gangly awkward know-it-all teens I call my own ❤️
I will gladly take the bad to get the good.
My husband asked me if this is what I had imagined when I said I wanted to have kids all those years ago, and it made me think. No, this is certainly not what I had imagined at all. I must admit that when I was in my baby-obsessed period, I couldn’t think past the act of holding my own baby in my arms. I think I was too immature to look further ahead, and I’m glad. I suspect that I would not have had any babies if I had given it more thought - the idea of sharing my space with these cocky young people who are now bigger than me and have their own opinions, would have probably put me off altogether. Knowing that I now have a young man about to start year 12 absolutely floors me.
That conversation has made me reflect on my life and the choices I have made. I’ve made lots of mistakes, but I’ve also done a lot of things right. Even if this is not what I had envisaged, I love my life as it is, with its noise and stress, and the gangly awkward know-it-all teens I call my own ❤️
I will gladly take the bad to get the good.