When one considers the number of people who have died or have been hospitalised, the number who have lost their job, their business or home due to the lock down, it puts into perspective that whilst our "concerns" are real to us, yet in the bigger picture they are but a minor inconvenience.
-on 9/9 my wife and I celebrated the 58th anniversary of our meeting. She was 16 1/2 and it was her first day of work. Usually we would go somewhere for a special lunch, but not this year. Due to our "underlining health issues" we have not left home for 90 days, other than for medical appointments. The florist delivered a large arrangement and our children arranged for delivery of a meal.
-our daughter and grandchildren live within 5K of us but in a "harder lock down" LGA, so we cannot see them
-a son and daughter in-law recently moved to the USA, a work transfer for her, we could not see them off, or have a family function before they left
-another son lives in our LGA, he is a nurse and has been dealing with Covid patients, he can sit on our front fence and talk to us whilst we sit on our veranda.
-we are members of the local Senior's Club, my wife does charity knitting and I play table tennis twice a week. I am also the Treasurer. We miss the companionship provided by the club.
-we have been unable to do our country drives, or visit OP shop, where I purchase most of my books.
-we have been unable to fly to Melbourne to visit a granddaughter
-all food has been purchased online, rather expensive as one tends to order extra "stuff"
-country relatives have been unable to stay with us, we would normally have people here twice a year.
My wife spends much of her time knitting, a major project being a multi coloured double bed blanket for a granddaughter. I read some 3/4 books a week, do the cooking, gardening and work on a model train layout, housework is shared.
Once restriction are lifted most of the above mentioned concerns will be gone, and we shall be able to return to our activities, unlike many other people.
We consider ourselves fortunate in that we are both fully vaccinated, our home is ours, we have a nice garden to sit in and most of our family is close by. Most importantly we have always been each other best friend, lock down has only strengthened that bond