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My life in Sydney has radically changed in the last 18 months, ie from March 2020 to present (September/October 2021). Since this vicious virus “Covid-19” captured the world – with Australia being strongly affected – and the consequent government announcements sent we Aussies into “lockdown”, it has meant isolation from each other: family members, friends, neighbours, community groups, workers, performers, businesses and the list continues.
Personally, I am affected from being an active, participative and well-travelled senior female to mainly staying at home – except for necessities of life – and attaching myself to either a computer or mobile telephone screen in order to stay-in-touch and continue to be at least active in exercising both my body and brain, albeit via an assortment of online classes, webinars, meetings, etc.
For me – and I expect most people – even the small occasions of life will never be taken for granted again. It has highlighted the great need for Freedom and Human physical contact.
Personally, I am affected from being an active, participative and well-travelled senior female to mainly staying at home – except for necessities of life – and attaching myself to either a computer or mobile telephone screen in order to stay-in-touch and continue to be at least active in exercising both my body and brain, albeit via an assortment of online classes, webinars, meetings, etc.
For me – and I expect most people – even the small occasions of life will never be taken for granted again. It has highlighted the great need for Freedom and Human physical contact.