What a year 2021 has been... I haven't seen my Mum for 5 months, my son hasn't been able to visit our house for 3 months (thankfully I am his singles buddy) and several big holidays and a few small ones have been cancelled. Being able to get together as a

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What a year 2021 has been... I haven't seen my Mum for 5 months, my son hasn't been able to visit our house for 3 months (thankfully I am his singles buddy) and several big holidays and a few small ones have been cancelled. Being able to get together as a family for a picnic recently was a big highlight of the last few months. I was hugely disappointed that the opening to Regional NSW was delayed as being separated from my Mum for that long has made me a bit down but video chat makes a huge difference... if only she held the iPad or phone anywhere near here face lol. Usually I am talking a blank wall! :-) I have taken time in this long lockdown to start looking after myself better with meditation and yoga and lovely bush walks and coffee with my best friend.
We are so close to freedom! I can't wait!!!