Living in a world that has become so small Half faces and not a smile to be seen The travel bug bites But I cannot scratch the itch Family and friends are now nothing more Than faces on a screen The world is so quiet now It’s like a strange dream We extra

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Regional NSW

Living in a world that has become so small
Half faces and not a smile to be seen
The travel bug bites
But I cannot scratch the itch
Family and friends are now nothing more
Than faces on a screen

The world is so quiet now
It’s like a strange dream

We extract ourselves from
The glowing screens
To indulge ourselves in “exercise”
Down the roads we pace
With children, dogs or
“One other” in tow
Our only option to beyond
Our own gates and feel
The breeze on our face

Back to our screens we go
To see what the numbers are
Checking the map
Watching the dots creep closer
No sign of release