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Cutting down on going out to buy,buy,buy -
has focused us more on what is happening
- what is happening in our immediate surrounds;
- happening inside passers-by ->
It's in the eyes.
When we do make eye contact,
notice subtle body language that says:
"Haven't seen you in aaaaages ! "
... then it's time to stop, chat, connect
in "these times" ...
with someone we wouldn't have had the
to connect with
in the "old days" two years ago.
has focused us more on what is happening
- what is happening in our immediate surrounds;
- happening inside passers-by ->
It's in the eyes.
When we do make eye contact,
notice subtle body language that says:
"Haven't seen you in aaaaages ! "
... then it's time to stop, chat, connect
in "these times" ...
with someone we wouldn't have had the
to connect with
in the "old days" two years ago.